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Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough Desperados 3 guide, walkthrough

Last update: 23 February 2021

On this page of our Desperados 3 guide, we have included the second part of the walkthrough for Mission 16 - The Old and the New. This part is the most complex, as you need to cross the entire map to reach the cemetery gates and the chapel behind it. From our walkthrough, you will learn how to cross the left and right parts of the canyon.

Our walkthrough of Mission 16 contains references to the map in the world atlas, which can be found on the first page of this chapter. For example, the designation (M16,5) indicates that you should find a blue point numbered 5 on the map for Mission 16.

Getting to the chapel - general information

1 - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide
  1. The main objective of the mission is to reach the cemetery (M16,1) and as it is at the opposite end of the map, a long trek is necessary.
  2. The canyon is divided into left and right sections. The important thing is that your heroes don't have to stay in that part of the canyon where they started their mission. The map has two main passageways (M16,5) (M16,12) which can be used to pass between both sides of the map. Moreover, you can change sides after descending to the canyon in order to get the disguise (M16,4), which was described in detail on the previous page of the walkthrough.
  3. At the end of each side of the canyon there is a heavily guarded passageway (M16,17)(M16,18) that leads to the hill with the cemetery and the chapel. You have complete freedom of action here - you can choose one of two possible passes or use both. No matter your approach, all the team members must eventually reach the graveyard gate.

Crossing the left side of the canyon

Crossing the left part of the map involves passing through the town, which can be divided into three main parts - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Crossing the left part of the map involves passing through the town, which can be divided into three main parts. The first part of the town (M16,7) is an area you should still remember from the prologue. Pay particular attention to the Long Coat that guards the entrance gate - be sure to avoid him while controlling Kate.

There are two main paths to choose from. The first involves taking out enemies from the left side of the gate, which is guarded by the Long Coat. Use Kate's flirting here, but unfortunately you'll also encounter women who are immune to her charms. In such cases, rely on other methods, such as throwing perfume. One by one, get rid of your enemies by relying on the cooperation of the whole team.

The second option is a path near the cliff, which is to the right of the gate - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

The second option is a path near the cliff, which is to the right of the gate. First of all, you have to watch out for a single sentry. If you got rid of the Long Coat already, you can easily kill him. Otherwise, distract or temporarily blind him.

Send Cooper (or Isabelle if she made it to the left side of the canyon) along this path (and its next fragment in the second part of the town) as you'll encounter vines along the way that Hector or Kate cannot climb.

Before you go further, take a look at the sniper shown in the picture (M16,8) - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Before you go further, take a look at the sniper shown in the picture (M16,8). He stands on a tower on the right side of the canyon, but his viewcone is directed towards the left side of the canyon. The best way to get rid of him is to make a long-range shot with McCoy. Before you fire a shot, activate the viewcone of a Long Coat from a nearby hill (M16,14). Shoot the sniper the moment Long Coat doesn't look in his direction. We do not advise skipping this step, otherwise you will have additional complications when securing the other parts of the town.

In the second part of the town (M16,9) the most problematic is the new 3-man patrol led by a Long Coat - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

In the second part of the town (M16,9) the most problematic is the new 3-man patrol led by a Long Coat. The route of this patrol resembles a square. You can (and should) take advantage of the fact that once the patrol moves past your location, you have a few seconds before it returns to the area.

In addition to the standard methods, you can also leave footprints in the sand. This also works on the patrol, and may be a good idea if you're planning to eliminate them with Hector's sawed-off shotgun. There is also a cargo to be dropped in the second part of the town, but it is in a very visible place and on the roof, which is not easy to reach. It may therefore be too difficult to use it.

Also in the second part of town, you can walk by the cliff, and again this is a good choice for Cooper and Isabelle - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Also in the second part of town, you can walk by the cliff, and again this is a good choice for Cooper and Isabelle. The area is also worth visiting with the remaining team members. There are two reasons for this approach:

  1. You can use a cannon after eliminating local enemies (M16,10). It can fire at the right side of the canyon and help during attempts to cross this area with the team members that are there. Before firing the cannonball, wait so that three opponents (including a Long Coat) come into its line of fire, which is symbolized by a narrow red rectangle.
  2. You can climb more vines with Cooper and Isabelle, making it easier to get these characters to the third part of town.
The third part of the town (M16,11) is quite problematic in terms of getting rid of the opponents in the area - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

The third part of the town (M16,11) is quite problematic in terms of getting rid of the opponents in the area. First of all, send Kate to one of the opponents above to stop him from observing the area.

Using remaining characters, try to draw away individual enemies and help each other on a regular basis by whistling, coin tossing, and Isabelle's cat. Some enemies can also be more easily caught or disoriented if you have reached this location from the side of the location with the cannon.

Going through the left part of the map will lead you to the left path leading to the cemetery (M16,17) - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Going through the left part of the map will lead you to the left path leading to the cemetery (M16,17). Crossing it is unfortunately difficult because it is very well guarded. We advise you to proceed through this path with Cooper or Isabelle.

  1. Use Kate's perfume or any other technique to distract 2 talking opponents from Point 1.
  2. Start following the red line and have the viewcone of the Long Coat from point 2 active so you don't get noticed. Don't kill the Long Coat now, because another Long Coat is watching him from the hill (M16,20).
  3. Wait with sneaking past the Long Coat until the poncho-wearing opponent from 3 goes north.
  4. Continue following the path drawn in the picture using the vines found along the way. Your character will reach the back of the tower (M16,19).

Crossing the right side of the canyon

Crossing the right side of the canyon begins by having to cross a small ravine (M16,13) - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Crossing the right side of the canyon begins by having to cross a small ravine (M16,13). The most serious threat associated with this location is a three-man patrol traveling down the ravine - this is one of the patrols led by a Long Coat. You can approach the situation in two different ways:

  1. You can avoid the patrol by choosing the path that is above the one patrolled by opponents.
  2. You can set up an ambush for the patrol, and it works best if you can get Hector to that spot. He can use his sawed-off shotgun to attack the entire patrol, but you would need to get rid of nearby "ordinary" opponents first so that the gunshot doesn't alert anybody. After attacking the patrol, don't forget to run up and finish the wounded Long Coat.
Regardless of whether youve took on the three-man patrol or not, focus on distracting, leading away, and eliminating enemies standing on either side of the ravine - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Regardless of whether you've took on the three-man patrol or not, focus on distracting, leading away, and eliminating enemies standing on either side of the ravine. McCoy with his sniper rifle can help in eliminating some of the remote targets, especially as there is ammunition in the vicinity of the ravine.

If you can bring Kate to the right side of the canyon, use her to distract the opponent from the mini-tower shown in the picture at the other end of the ravine. Don't use the sniper rifle to eliminate this sentry, as he is in the viewcones of the enemies north of here.

Another major area on the right side of the canyon is a large hill (M16,14) - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Another major area on the right side of the canyon is a large hill (M16,14). Here are the top 3 tips related to this location:

  1. First, sneak up on the Long Coat standing on the hill (see screenshot above). Do it with any character - doesn't have to be Hector. You can hit the Long Coat with the sniper rifle and then quickly finish him with any hero.
  2. On the hill, you'll find a box hanging from a rope. You can release it and kill another Long Coat standing downstairs. It will make further journey easier.
  3. A four-man patrol travels around the hill, consisting solely of "ordinary" opponents. You can use an always-working solution (Hector's sawed-off shotgun) but of course, make sure that you won't alert more opponents. Alternatively, you can just sneak past this patrol completely and it won't be difficult because its travel route is quite long.
Keep moving north - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Keep moving north. In the next area, Kate and her ability to flirt with opponents will prove very helpful. When attempting to distract enemies, however, look out for the Long Coat on the left and avoid being detected by him.

It would be good to send a single member of the team further north. Continue traveling by the right edge of the map and try to reach the marked mining wagon (M16,15). You can push it down - wait with that action until there's a two-man patrol in its course. Use Showdown Mode to eliminate further enemies, but make sure if attacked opponents aren't in the viewcones of other enemies.

During the crossing, pay attention to the sniper position marked in the picture (M16,16) - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

During the crossing, pay attention to the sniper position marked in the picture (M16,16). If you want to kill the sniper at a distance, do so while the opponent from a nearby bridge is looking the other way. Alternatively, you can go there and, after diverting the sniper's attention, reach the same place with another character so that you can eliminate him in hand-to-hand combat.

Lead McCoy to the cleared sniper nest. You'll find ammunition for the sniper rifle, while the position enables you to hit many enemies that are near the entrance to the cemetery.

Passing through the right side of the map will lead you to the right path leading to the cemetery (M16,18) - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Passing through the right side of the map will lead you to the right path leading to the cemetery (M16,18). It is not as demanding as the left path, but it is still a more difficult zone than the previous ones.

  1. Get rid of talking opponents from Point 1 in our picture.
  2. Stay in Point 1. Leave footprints on the sand and quickly use some skill to distract opponent 2 standing on the suspension bridge - you can do so through a coin toss, whistling or Isabelle's cat.
  3. Opponent 2 should spot the tracks and head towards them. Get rid of him any way you want when he comes off the bridge.
  4. Long Coat from point 3 is watching the bridge. Position yourself crouched on the edge of his viewcone. Wait until a standard enemy approaches the Long Coat and starts talking to him. This is an opportunity to sprint towards talking characters.
  5. You can run to the left and climb up vines after hiding in the bushes or run to the right to start drawing the regular guards away. Hector and his whistling will work well here.
  6. You can use McCoy's sharpshooter, hit Long Coat from Point 3 and quickly run up to him with a hero that had earlier run across the bridge. After killing the Long Coat, hide his body in the bushes.

Bringing the whole team to the graveyard gate

Regardless of whether you chose the left or the right path, at least one hero should be near the cemetery gate (M16,21) - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Regardless of whether you chose the left or the right path, at least one hero should be near the cemetery gate (M16,21). Start clearing this area with McCoy's sniper rifle - kill the sniper standing on the tower near the cemetery (M16,19). Shooting him with a sniper rifle should not be noted by any other enemy.

Getting rid of opponents from the area to the left of the entrance to the cemetery (M16,20) is more difficult because there are two Long Coat opponents here - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Getting rid of opponents from the area to the left of the entrance to the cemetery (M16,20) is more difficult because there are two Long Coat opponents here. Follow the route marked by the red line (screenshot above) and distract the regular sentry along the way. This way, you can approach the Long Coat from the outermost vantage point. Try to hit him with a bullet fired by McCoy and then quickly finish him with a hero who is nearby. Do so only after the standard opponent is distracted again, and when enemies from the lower level do not look at the Long Coat.

Fall back and attack Long Coat in a similar way - hit him with a sniper rifle and kill him with a second hero.

Dealing with two opponents guarding the entrance to the cemetery is easy - use Isabelles Connection and then sneak in from behind to the poncho-wearing opponent - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

Dealing with two opponents guarding the entrance to the cemetery is easy - use Isabelle's Connection and then sneak in from behind to the poncho-wearing opponent. It won't kill the Long Coat right away, but he will kneel down, and you can finish him up with any hero.

If you also need to secure the area to the right of the cemetery gate, start with the local Long Coat first - Desperados 3: Reach the cemetery gate - mission 16, walkthrough - Mission 16 - The Old and The New - Desperados 3 Guide

If you also need to secure the area to the right of the cemetery gate, start with the local Long Coat first. You can attack him with Hector or you can hit him with a sniper rifle and kill him with a second character. Perform this attack when the opponent from the lower scaffolding does not look towards the Long Coat. Then get rid of 2 ordinary enemies by using Connect.

All 5 heroes must reach the cemetery gate (M16,21). This leads to a cut-scene that begins the final confrontation with Frank and his men (M16,1).

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