Doom Eternal Guide
Descend to hell. Doom Eternal Guide is a compendium of knowledge about this FPS. You will find here basic information about the game and learn about game modes. There's also an annex with a description of controls and requirements, as well as a FAQ section.
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Doom Eternal Guide
This game guide to Doom Eternal is a complete guide book about the newest installment of the popular franchise developed by id Software studio. In our guide we have included valuable starting tips and useful hints for beginners, for whom this may be the first contact with the Doom series, and also for more experienced players who know the series well and have already completed the previous part released in 2016.
Our guide contains a detailed walkthrough of the game. In the initial sections of our guide you can find starting tips which explain various in-game features and provide information about the major game mechanics. On separate pages of our guide, we have described such topics like combat, map exploration, difficulty levels, best ways to unlock weapons, how to find weak spots of enemy demons, how to use new skills of the hero, how to upgrade your armor, learning maps, choosing a difficulty level, how to complete challenges and how to use runes.
An important part of our guide is the FAQ section which contains answers to the most frequently asked questions. We provide lots of useful information about the game - how to replenish your supplies, how to use fast travel, how much time it takes to complete Doom Eternal, how you can use additional lives, how to enable cheat codes, how to reach distant ledges, which weapons are the best, what is the Demonic Corruption bar, and how to change the appearance of your hero. Our guide contains additional chapters which offer a detailed description of controls and system requirements of the game. Also, you can find a comprehensive trophy guide which contains description of every trophy and information on unlocking the platinum trophy.
The main part of our game guide is the walkthrough of the main story campaign of Doom Eternal. Our step-by-step guide offers support in exploring maps, completing complex platforming sections, solving environmental puzzles, avoiding traps, defeating monsters, completing mission objectives and killing bosses - the most powerful demons have also been described in detail in a separate chapter of our guide.
The last huge chapter of our guide is the world atlas, which contains information on how to collect all collectibles and secrets (in 100%). We have described all places where you can find all main types of secrets, which include, among others, codex entries, weapons and armor upgrade stations, floppy disks, figures, albums and runes. The descriptions of collectibles have been enriched with location maps, which should help you find a particular secret or item.
- What do I need to know before I start playing?
- What is the main use of a PC in the Fortress of Doom?
- Does the game have microtransactions?
- Is Doom Eternal a long game?
- Does Doom Eternal have a difficult platinum trophy?
- Is Doom Eternal a more complex game than its predecessor?
- Does the game have the so-called Ironman mode?
- Does the PC version of Doom Eternal have high system requirements?
- Does Doom Eternal work well on the consoles?
- Can I complete the campaign in offline mode?
- Can I disable the so-called movie grain post-processing effect?
- Are there any collectibles in the game?
- Can I return to the previous maps or locations?
- Are there any puzzles in the game?
- Can I jump from a great height?
- Is the whole game played in the FPP view?
- Is it possible to save the game manually?
- How do I explore the entire map?
- Is the BFG the best weapon in the game?
- Why can't I jump?
- Does Doom Eternal have a season pass?
- What editions of Doom Eternal are available?
- Can I play Doom Eternal comfortably on a gaming controller?
- Why can't I explore the entire Fortress of Doom?
- How many missions the game has?
- Does Doom Eternal have different endings?
- Is there bullet time in the game?
- Is it possible to enable cheats?
- Can Doom Slayer swim?
- What use do the albums have?
- What's with the rabbits?
- Key controls
- Doom Eternal system requirements
What do I need to know before I start playing?
- Doom Eternal is a more difficult game than its predecessor from 2016 and you shouldn't start a new game on a higher difficulty level. Choosing too high difficulty may force you to repeat most of the fights.
- You must attack the monsters in specific ways to renew your supplies. Separate types of attacks are used to regenerate health points, repair armor and to replenish ammo.
- There are some completely new skills and moves available in Doom Eternal - Dash, Blood Punch and Flame Belch. Each of them has a different application and can be useful during level exploration or combat.
- You can find extra lives and add them to the pool. Having extra lives increases your chances of continuing the game without having to return to the previous checkpoints.
- The Marauders are considered as standard type of enemies in the game, but they are still very dangerous. These opponents can be identified by their red shields and have a wide range of attacks.
- The Arch-vile demons can summon new monsters and this makes them extremely dangerous. If you notice a red ring around the demons, try to locate the Arch-vile as soon as possible.
- There is a fast travel option in Doom Eternal. It allows you to easily return to previous levels in order to find all uncollected secrets. Unfortunately, fast travel feature has some limitations.
- The BFG 9000 is an extremely powerful weapon in Doom Eternal. However, the Crucible Blade is also useful in defeating powerful demons. Use the most powerful weapons only when you have to kill the most difficult demons, because the access to these weapons is limited.
- There are places on the map where you can take part in secret encounters and battles like Slayer Gates. Joining optional battles is not the best idea when you play the game for the first time - they are quite difficult.
- Doom Eternal has complex platform sections and sometimes it may be troublesome to reach distant ledges. Double jump and dash are very helpful, allowing you to stay in the air for a much longer time.
Check out the Starting Tips section of our game guide in order to find more details about these features of the game.
What is the main use of a PC in the Fortress of Doom?

The old PC is located in the Doom Slayer's headquarters in the Fortress of Doom. This room is located under the captain's bridge. Initially, the computer has two locked files - File 1 and File 2. If you try to select and run File 2 then you will notice that it's protected with a password.
The old PC (computer) can be used to play classic versions of Doom 1 and Doom 2: Hell on Earth. You can launch each game only after you have met certain requirements:
- To unlock File 1 and run Doom 1, you need to find all floppy disks with cheat codes.
- To unlock File 2 and run Doom II: Hell on Earth , you need to enter a secret password.
For more information on how to unlock files 1 and 2 and how to play original Doom 1 and Doom 2 (from the 90ties) please check the How to play classic versions of Doom 1 and Doom 2? section of our guide. and What is the main use of a PC in the Fortress of Doom?.
Does the game have microtransactions?

No, Doom Eternal doesn't have any micropayments system and all items can be obtained by making regular progress in the game. This also applies to cosmetic items like hero skins and used weapons or animation types displayed after winning a match. None of these items can be purchased in the game for real money. New skins and other cosmetic items can only be unlocked by earning experience points in the game and advancing to new ranks.
Is Doom Eternal a long game?
Yes, Eternal Doom is a definitely longer game than its 2016' predecessor. You may watch the end credits after playing the game for at least 12 hours. Searching for secrets or completing challenges during the campaign may extend the game time to about 18-22 hours. The amount of time spent with the game can increase even more if you select one of the higher difficulty levels, try to unlock the platinum trophy, or get interested in the online Battlemode.
For more information on the level of complexity of the game check a separate page of our guide - How long does it take to complete Doom Eternal?, which is available in the FAQ section.
Does Doom Eternal have a difficult platinum trophy?
The platinum trophy in Doom Eternal shouldn't be very difficult to obtain, though it does require some skill. You can complete your first playthrough on any difficulty level, including the easiest one. This helps a lot during e.g. optional battles. Some of them can also be completed with cheats. The most problematic trophy is Running Up the Score, which requires you to complete the game in the Extra Life Mode with at least 10 lives in reserve. This trophy can easily be failed by too many deaths or by missing too many extra lives hidden on maps.
Complete information on how to get 100% achievements and how to unlock the platinum trophy can be found in our trophy guide.
Is Doom Eternal a more complex game than its predecessor?

Yes, in our opinion, Doom Eternal is much more difficult and demanding than 2016' Doom. This is caused by several main factors - the opponents inflict more damage (also during the gameplay on a normal level of difficulty) and they move a lot. You can find less amount of supplies and items in the battle arenas, and you have to complete various arcade (platform) sections during many missions.
We recommend to check the two pages of our game guide related to this topic:
- Difficulty level - you can find out what difficulty levels are available and how they differ from each other. We also explain how to change the difficulty level and when it is allowed.
- How do I quickly replenish my supplies? - We present the most effective methods for every resource type (they go beyond the standard ways of finding useful items and resources like health or armor).
Does the game have the so-called Ironman mode?

Yes, Doom Eternal has Ironman modes where death is permanent (permadeath). These two modes are:
- Ultra Nightmare - The hero's death is irreversible and you have to start the whole campaign all over again. There will be a marker at the place where you died earlier.
- Extra Life Mode - Irreversible death happens when you run out of all extra lives. This mode will also force you to start the game from the beginning.
The Extra Life Mode is associated with one of the trophies in Doom Eternal. Check the page dedicated to it to find out how to complete the campaign in this mode.
Does the PC version of Doom Eternal have high system requirements?
Theoretically, yes, but the game should also run on a weaker specification than the recommended one. It was similar in the case of previous id Software titles - the recommended system requirements were exaggerated. Players who had weaker rigs could enjoy the game without any problems. System requirements of Doom Eternal required to play the game in 1080p resolution and high details:
- Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit
- Processor: Intel Core i7-6700K or better, AMD Ryzen 7 1800X or better
- RAM: 8 GB
- Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB), NVIDIA GeForce 970 (4GB; requires medium texture quality setting), AMD RX 480 (8GB)
- Free HDD/SDD space: 50 GB
For more information about the minimum and recommended system requirements of Doom Eternal (to play the game in various resolutions) please refer to the System requirements section of our guide.
Does Doom Eternal work well on the consoles?

Yes, the game is very well optimized, although this is at the expense of slightly lower quality of the graphics on basic console models. The game runs at 1080p/60fps on standard editions of PS4 and Xbox One. There were no performance issues or framerate drop downs while we were playing the game on the PlayStation 4 console. Also, the game seemed to be less stressful for the console than the previous part of the series - Doom. Unfortunately, the game in fixed 60 frames per second takes place at the expense of graphics quality - you will witness lower quality textures and lower quality character models. However, due to the very dynamic character of the game, this is not a serious problem in our opinion.
For more information about how the game works on different platforms, please check the System requirements section of our guide.
Can I complete the campaign in offline mode?

Yes, although a permanent internet connection is recommended, it is not required to complete the single player campaign. Playing offline or temporarily losing your connection with the game servers may deprive you of the chance to earn experience points, advance to higher ranks and receive rewards while playing online. However, we are talking here exclusively about cosmetic items that do not affect the course of the game. All improvements of weapons and armor can be easily acquired and obtained while playing the game in offline mode.
Can I disable the so-called movie grain post-processing effect?

Yes, Doom Eternal allows you to disable or restrict a filter called movie grain, which may prevent some players from enjoying the game. Doom Eternal also allows you to disable Motion Blur and Chromatic Aberration effects. This also applies to console versions.
Are there any collectibles in the game?

Yes, Doom Eternal, like its predecessors, hides many secrets. Some collectibles can help you in the game and these benefits are extra lives, runes or upgrades to weapons and armor. However, the game also contains exclusive collector items and collectibles - code entries, figurines, albums and others.
Check out the Secrets section in our world atlas - this chapter of our guide will allow you to easily find all secrets and collectibles available in every campaign level in 100%.
Can I return to the previous maps or locations?

Yes, and this is possible by using one of two main ways:
- Fast Travel - the game unlock a fast travel option when you are near the completion point of a particular mission. This is a great way, for example, to return to places where you still can find some collectibles. We have described the entire process in detail on a separate page of our guide How to use the fast travel option?.
- Mission Select - you can select any completed mission from the terminal on board the Doom Fortress or from the main menu of the game.
Are there any puzzles in the game?

Yes, you have to solve small environmental puzzles during the game. These may concern, for example, finding the key and getting to the right door with it, passing a more complex climbing section, crossing through a location with traps, or picking up the battery and delivering it to its place of use.
All puzzles required to complete next missions have been discussed in detail in our walkthrough of the main story campaign.
Can I jump from a great height?

You can jump from great heights without any fear, because the hero's armor is able to absorb any fall. However, you have to watch out for dangerous types of ground like toxic waste, lava, electrified floors etc.
- These may reduce your armor points after you come into contact with them.
- The possibility of falling into the abyss - this doesn't cause an automatic death, but after you get respawned to your last safe position the game will take away some of your health points.
Is the whole game played in the FPP view?

No, but exceptions to this rule are rare and insignificant. For the vast majority of the time, the action is observed from a first-person perspective - every battle is being observed and played in the FPP view.
The game can depict the action from a different perspective, for example, while displaying a cutscene. This is also one of the very few opportunities to admire the armor of the main character. The appearance of your armor can be modified by cosmetic items. We have described the process of modifying the hero's appearance on a separate page - How to change the appearance of your hero?.
Is it possible to save the game manually?

Unfortunately, no. All saves are made automatically by the game. The game reports the creation of a new checkpoint by a message displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen. Auto save usually occurs when you enter a new larger location.
Doom Eternal also allows you to replay and repeat whole missions. You can choose this option from the pause menu (Reset Mission option) or from the main menu. However, keep in mind that the levels of the game are usually very long. Restarting the mission may result in the loss of much of the progress that you have achieved so far.
How do I explore the entire map?

You can discover the map in Doom Eternal in the same way as in the previous installment of the series - by finding the automap terminal.
On the 3D map, green is used to mark the sites which were already visited and grey is used to mark the locations that can be explored. If possible, you should always explore 100% of the map to be sure that you have found all the secrets hidden in this specific stage. For more information about how to navigate and use the map, please check the separate chapter of our guide - Exploration.
Is the BFG the best weapon in the game?

BFG 9000 is one of the top weapons in Doom Eternal. However, it cannot be called the absolute best weapon. Other equally powerful weapons include:
- Unmaykr - A unique weapon awarded for delivering 6 keys from Slayer Gates (optional arenas) to the Fortress of Doom. Like the BFG, it performs well in area attacks.
- Crucible sword - It has a different use. The weapon is great for killing individual powerful demons. The advantage is that almost all demons will die from a single swing.
Why can't I jump?

As you play the main campaign of Doom Eternal, you may experience a problem of not being able to jump. This is due to the contact with the purple substance that totally 'grounds' the character and sticks your hero to the ground. As long as you have this slime on your body you won't be able to jump. You must exit the purple area, and only then you can jump again (also in order to use long jumps / dashes in order to jump out of the purple slime maze).
Does Doom Eternal have a season pass?
Yes, Doom Eternal has a Season Pass - Year One Pass. It is included in the Deluxe Edition and Collector's Edition, and can be purchased separately.
The Season Pass includes 2 expansion sets to the main story campaign (DLC 1 and DLC 2), which expand the story from the basic game and allow you to track events from a different perspective.
What editions of Doom Eternal are available?

Doom Eternal is sold in three editions. These are the following:
- Standard Edition - contains just a single copy of the basic version of the game.
- Deluxe Edition - in addition to the main game, it offers a one-year season pass (two additional DLCs), a Demonic Slayer skin, and classic weapon sounds.
- Collector's Edition - it offers the contents of the Deluxe Edition and some other features like a steel box, a cassette with soundtracks from Doom and Doom Eternal, a Doom Lore Book, a litograph and a full-size helmet of the main character.
Can I play Doom Eternal comfortably on a gaming controller?

Doom Eternal is a video game that should be played with keyboard and mouse, but the controller is also a satisfying option. Well, it works out pretty well. You don't have to worry about any discomfort, for example, if you are interested in a version on PS4 that does not offer keyboard and mouse support.
Even the console version of the game has very advanced control settings. The picture above shows a list of settings and their default values. Although targeting assistants are enabled by default, there is no clear sense of interference from their side. For more experienced players, two issues will be problematic - slow character rotation and difficult targeting at weak spots of enemy demons. In both cases, you can try to increase the sensitivity of the analog knobs and reduce the level of the aiming assistants, or completely disable all the facilitations.
For more information, check the Controls chapter of our guide. We also prepared a detailed list of all key bindings.
Why can't I explore the entire Fortress of Doom?

You go back to Fortress of Doom after completing the majority of the main missions. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the game, the exploration of the hub is very restricted:
- The first visit to the Fortress of Doom after completing mission 1 allows you to explore the bridge.
- You can start exploring Fortress of Doom after you have completed mission 2.
- Many rooms of the Fortress are closed. You can open rooms by spending the Sentinel Battery - you get them through exploration and by completing challenges offered by the missions.
More information can be found in a separate chapter called Fortress of Doom.
How many missions the game has?
The single-player campaign of Doom Eternal consists of a total of 13 missions. The missions are quite long and, in addition, some of them end with demanding boss battles. After completing each mission, one of two things can happen - you can return to the Fortress of Doom hub, or get to the next stage automatically.
Does Doom Eternal have different endings?
No, the single-player campaign is completely linear and has only one ending. You get it regardless of how played the game. There are no choices or paths branching out. You always have to complete the same actions to get to the next mission objectives.
Is there bullet time in the game?

Doom Eternal does not offer a full bullet time feature, but it can be triggered in selected situations. Examples include:
- Opening the weapons menu - When the radial menu appears on the screen, time will slow down a bit. You can use this, for example, during a fall requiring precision or have a better understanding of what is happening around you.
- Activating the Saving throw rune - If you have set it as active, it can turn on when you are on the verge of death. This allows you to, for example, move away from monsters.
Is it possible to enable cheats?

Yes, Doom Eternal has the option to play with cheats, and this doesn't block you from collecting secrets in missions or completing Secret Encounters. Cheating isn't about entering any ready-made code, but searching for floppy disks with various facilitations (e.g. infinite ammo). You can select floppy disks when replaying missions. We have described the entire procedure in detail on a separate page called How to unlock codes/cheats?.
Can Doom Slayer swim?

Yes, but you have to watch out for toxic water. You will be able to swim in the later stages of the story campaign. Unfortunately, many water reservoirs are contaminated. You'll need to look around for a Rad Suit and find underwater icons to repair your suit.
You can't shoot your gun while being underwater, but you won't meet any opponents there. The hero can use dash to break through weakened walls. Some of these actions allow you to lower the water level in a certain place and unlock new passages.
What use do the albums have?

During your playthrough of Doom Eternal, you can find vinyl music albums - they are one of the secrets/collectibles. They have their use - when you return to the Fortress of Doom (your hub), you can find a frame with the album hanging on the wall. Once you interact with it, you can choose to listen to the track from that album.
You can also visit Doom Slayer's headquarters in the Fortress of Doom. There you will find e.g. all figures of characters and demons collected during the game.
What's with the rabbits?

You can find a funny-looking rabbit in every campaign level. They can be treated as Doom Eternal's easter eggs. There is no unique interaction with rabbits, although some secrets/collectibles can be found in the same locations.
Key controls
Below are the most important PS4 controls in Doom Eternal. The following list focuses on controlling the main character, Doom Slayer. For more information, see the Controls chapter.
![]() | Use the selected weapon mod. |
![]() | Equipment Launcher. |
![]() | Crucible (you must get it first). |
![]() | Move. |
![]() | Look around. |
![]() | Melee attack / Glory Kill (on a flashing opponent). |
![]() | Jump - you can press the button 2x to perform a double jump. |
![]() | Dash - you can press the button 2x to perform a double dash. |
![]() | Chainsaw. |
![]() | Flame Belch - this gadget allows you to set opponents on fire. |
![]() | Change weapon |
![]() | Shoot |
![]() | Pause menu |
Doom Eternal system requirements
You can read more about Doom Eternal PC system requirements on separate site of our guide.
- CPU: Intel Core i5 3.3 GHz / AMD Ryzen 3 3.1 GHz
- GPU memory: 4 GB
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9
- Required disk space: 50 GB
- Operating system: Windows 7/8. 1/10 64-bit

Author: Jacek Hałas
Working with since the old days, focusing on preparing guides for large and massive games, although occasionally smaller ones too. Besides more than 200 guides, his writing credits include reviews, previews, and editorials. Privately, almost exclusively a console player, most often playing action-adventure games (with a strong emphasis on good plot), racing games, and horrors. Also appreciates stealth games and tactical turn-based games in the style of XCOM. Plays a lot, not only at work but also outside of it, hunting - within the limits of reason and free time - for trophies. Apart from games, likes cycling trips, a good book (especially by Stephen King), and TV series (Stargate, The Sopranos, and Supernatural).
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