Batman: Arkham Origins map - Network relays
Batman: Arkham Origins map - Network relays
Above the entrance to the My Alibi club.
Canopied area.
Near the gate leading to the Blackgate prison.
To the left of the theater entrance.
Above The Wonder Expo gate.
Near a door leading to the bank.
Canopied area, near an ATM.
Canopied area.
Above the theater entrance.
In a side alley.
Next to a gate leading to the Sionis Steel Mill.
Above a yellow metal balcony.
Above the main entrance to the police station.
On the building's roof.
On the building's roof (the one with armed opponents).
Under a large balcony.
Coventry, relay 2
Coventry, relay 3
Coventry, relay 4.
Coventry, relay 7
Coventry, relay 8
Coventry, relay 9
Coventry, relay 10
The Bowery, relay 2
The Bowery, relay 5
The Bowery, relay 8.
The Bowery, relay 9
The Bowery, relay 10
Park Row, relay 1
Park Row, relay 2
Park Row, relay 3
Park Row, relay 4
Park Row, relay 5
Park Row, relay 6
Park Row, relay 9
Park Row, relay 10
Industrial District, relay 1
Industrial District, relay 2
Industrial District, relay 3
Industrial District, relay 4
Industrial District, relay 7
Industrial District, relay 8
Industrial District, relay 9
Industrial District, relay 10
Burnley, relay 2
Burnley, relay 3
Burnley, relay 4
Burnley, relay 5
Burnley, relay 6
Burnley, relay 7
Burnley, relay 9
Burnley, relay 10
Diamond District, relay 1
Diamond District, relay 2
Diamond District, relay 4
Diamond District, relay 5
Diamond District, relay 6
Diamond District, relay 7
Diamond District, relay 8
Diamond District, relay 9
Diamond District, relay 10
Amusement Mile, relay 2
Amusement Mile, relay 3
Amusement Mile, relay 4
Amusement Mile, relay 5
Amusement Mile, relay 6
Amusement Mile, relay 7
Amusement Mile, relay 8
Amusement Mile, relay 9
Amusement Mile, relay 10

Network Relays | Casefile Reports


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Key points of Batman: Arkham Origins map - Network relays

Network relays

Network relays

Coventry 1 – Above the entrance to the My Alibi club.

Coventry 5 – Canopied area.

Coventry 6 – Near the gate leading to the Blackgate prison.

The Bowery 1 – To the left of the theater entrance.

The Bowery 3 – Above The Wonder Expo gate.

The Bowery 4 – Near a door leading to the bank.

The Bowery 6 – Canopied area, near an ATM.

The Bowery 7 – Canopied area.

Park Row 7 – Above the theater entrance.

Park Row 8 – In a side alley.

Industrial 5 – Next to a gate leading to the Sionis Steel Mill.

Industrial 6 – Above a yellow metal balcony.

Burnley 1 – Above the main entrance to the police station.

Burnley 8 – On the building's roof.

Diamond 3 – On the building's roof (the one with armed opponents).

Mile 1 – Under a large balcony.

You can set out to find the Network Relays after you have unlocked the Enigma's side mission, which has been described in the Most Wanted chapter. I recommend that you start searching after you have activated all seven of the comms towers described above, because the locations of the active relays will then be added to the world map and, as a result, you will be easily able to mark them as your destinations.

In each of the main city district, there are 10 network relays to destroy. I recommend that you use the above map here, as well as the side missions menu (Enigma). Destroying each one of the relays is rewarded with 2000 experience points, and destroying the entire network of relays (10 relays) in a given district, is rewarded with a bonus of 15000 experience points.

Note- do not worry if a group of relays temporarily disappears from the world map. This is the manifestation of one of the minor glitches in the game. If this is what happened, you can still destroy the relays. You will only have problems marking them as your destination on the world map.


All of the relays should be destroyed with batarangs - Network Relays | Casefile Reports - Casefile Reports - Batman: Arkham Origins Game Guide
All of the relays should be destroyed with batarangs

After you reach each new relay, you need to do the same thing, i.e. select the batarang from the inventory and use it to destroy Enigma's device. Note - if there is a group of enemies around the relay, and you do not want to fight them, land on some ledge above them and take advantage of the considerable range of batarangs.

Batman: Arkham Origins

October 16, 2013

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